Centrum Informacji Turystycznej w Słupsku / fot. M.Wirkus

The town’s Tourist Information Centre is located not far away from the Town Hall, on the corner of Starzyńskiego and Tuwima Streets. It is administered by local non-governmental organization (NGO) – ‚Słupia Basin Partnership’ Foundation (Fundacja Partnerstwo Dorzecze Słupi).


All substantial information about Słupsk and its neighbourhood are available on-site. You can buy souvenir t-shirts, books and fridge magnets, here. Everybody will surely find something interesting – e. g. a pencil with amber, an organic t-shirt, ‚Super Słupsk’ gadgets or items referring to the works by Witkacy.

The interior of the Tourist Information Centre encourages to come in – you can sit inside by the long table, which was placed in front of the wall decorated in Witkacy’s style. Finally you can familiarize yourself with maps, guidebooks, newspapers or promotional materials.

We’d like to convince you to visit the Tourist Information Centre, as you can learn about interesting facts connected with Słupsk and the surrounding area.

The Tourist Information Centre in Słupsk
8 Starzyńskiego Street
76-200 Słupsk
tel. 0048 59 7285041
email: cit@pds.org.pl

Working Hours:
In season (15.06-15.09): Monday-Friday 9:00-18:00, Saturday-Sunday 10:00-15:00
Out of season: Monday-Friday 8:30-16:30, Saturday 10:00-15:00

CIT Słupsk
Informacja przygotowana przez Centrum Informacji Turystycznej w Słupsku prowadzoną przez lokalną organizację pozarządową Fundację Partnerstwo Dorzecze Słupi - Kontakt: CIT Słupsk / ul. Starzyńskiego 8 / cit@pds.org.pl / tel. 59 7285041